"Come away with Me to a remote place and rest a while." Mark 6:31

Welcome to Servants Rest, a ministry of GFA World to pastors and their families. Our goal is to help strengthen and encourage pastors and their families by providing a no-cost place of rest and retreat. We offer no program or schedule, merely a quiet place where you can connect with God and with your family. The fully-equipped house we provide for your stay is in the midst of our 300-acre residential campus with plenty of room for long walks and great views of sunrises and sunsets. 

Food is not provided with your stay, but your house includes a full kitchen with standard appliances, dishes, and cookware for your use. There is also a gas grill on the back porch. Children are welcome, but this is an open campus without fences, so your children will need to be supervised by an adult when outside. 

There are a variety of low-speed activities available to you on campus, including:

You are also welcome to join in the community life of the staff of GFA World by attending one of our weekly world-missions prayer meetings, touring our international headquarters, or just stopping to chat with people you meet while out walking. We love to meet new brothers and sisters in Christ!

Please review our Photos page to see more of the campus and the Servants Rest house, and our FAQ page for commonly asked questions. If you have further questions you can email us at servantsrest@gfa.org or just include your questions in your reservation inquiry. 


What's Next?

We permit stays of between two and five nights, and we encourage you to book a longer stay if you can--it takes time to slow down! If you would think you might like to stay with us, please review the availability calendar and then submit your reservation inquiry.  You can include questions for us in your inquiry. Once your request to stay with us is approved, you will have the opportunity to confirm your stay and finalize your reservation.